What the Media Won’t Tell You About Guns in This Election

posted on October 26, 2024

Undoubtedly, most Americans are aware of the mainstream media’s bias when it comes to reporting the “facts.” A recent Gallup Poll revealed that only 31% of Americans say they have a “great deal” or “fair amount” of confidence in the media to report the news “fully, accurately and fairly.” 

Two topics where the mainstream media is most biased are private gun ownership and the upcoming presidential election. Combine skewed gun and election coverage, and you get media reporting only what they want you to know regarding firearms and your rights.

So, here are a bunch of things they don’t want you to know.

  1. Kamala Harris Doesn’t Believe You Have a Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Much of the media touts Harris’ gun ownership as proof that she doesn’t want to ban guns, but, the thing is, she has always been for banning guns.

The mainstream media won’t tell you, for example, about a very important 2008 U.S. Supreme Court decision, District of Columbia v. Heller, that was a pivotal point in history for the right to keep and bear arms.

The case concerned a challenge to the Washington, D.C., ban on handgun ownership. In overruling the ban, the Court clarified that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms for lawful purposes, including self-defense.

As San Francisco’s district attorney at the time, Kamala Harris was fighting for a complete ban on handgun ownership in that city. At the same time, she supported the D.C. handgun ban.

Harris endorsed an amicus brief of district attorneys in support of the District of Columbia; a brief that argued against the individual right to own a firearm. Also, a press release from Harris’ office bragged that she was “leading” the effort to support unconstitutional handgun bans.

  1. Harris Wants to Destroy the Firearm Industry

The media likes to report that Harris is in favor of doing away with what she calls “blanket immunity” for gun manufacturers and sellers; however, they won’t tell you that such blanket immunity doesn’t exist.

This is in reference to the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), passed in 2005. It protects firearm manufacturers and dealers from being held liable when crimes are committed using the products they legally made or lawfully sold. What Harris and the media won’t tell you is that both gun manufacturers and dealers can still be held liable for damages resulting from defective products, breach of contract, criminal misconduct and other actions for which they are directly responsible.

Harris has repeatedly called for the repeal of the law, which would cripple, if not outright destroy, the firearm industry.

  1. Harris Wants to Bring Gun Control to the States

One of the Biden-Harris administration’s crowning “achievements” was the establishment of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention to use Americans’ own tax dollars to assault their Second Amendment-protected rights. Biden appointed Harris to head up this office, which she immediately filled with anti-gun activists.

In the waning days of 2023, Harris hosted nearly 100 Democrat lawmakers from 39 states to encourage them to set up their own state offices of “gun violence prevention” and to pass more restrictive firearms laws, including red-flag laws, safe-storage laws and laws further attacking the firearms industry.

“The agenda is not comprehensive, but highlights actions that states can take to achieve meaningful progress in the next year,” the brochure distributed at the meeting said. While the media called the office “a win for advocacy groups” and an important step in fighting gun violence, NRA-ILA Executive Director Randy Kozuch more appropriately called it the “Ministry of Disarmament.”

  1. Violent Crime is Actually on the Rise

When the FBI reported in September 2023 that violent crime in 2022 had dropped 2.1% from the previous year, the media ate it up, and the Democrats embraced the news as a top campaign talking point; however, when the FBI quietly released “revised” data last month showing that violent crime actually increased 4.5% in 2022, neither the media nor the Harris campaign have stopped calling former President Donald Trump (R) a liar for saying crime is rising.

In fact, as recently as October 16, CBS News was reporting that Harris was telling the truth by using the original FBI statistics. “Both candidates are citing different federal statistics that measure violent crime; Trump cites a Justice Department survey, while Harris cites FBI data on crimes reported by police departments,” the report stated. “Crime researchers tell CBS News that while both are valuable metrics, the FBI data Harris cites is more reliable.”

I guess they might seem “more reliable” to CBS News—if the reporters and editors there choose to ignore the revised numbers, representing a net increase of more than 80,000 more violent crimes.

  1. Tim Walz Also Wants to Ban Guns

It’s likely that one of the reasons Harris picked Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) as her running mate was in hopes of peeling some of the all-important gun-owner vote away from former President Trump. And the mainstream-media outlets love to fawn over his gun ownership; they even went along on a recent opening-day pheasant hunt to make him look “outdoorsy.” But then, that didn’t go as planned. Not only was Walz a klutz at trying to load what he claimed was his own shotgun, which drew widespread ridicule among many gun owners, but his past record on guns and gun control is clear.

Concerning guns, Walz is a political chameleon who, while in Congress, purported to be a friend of gun owners in order to receive their support in his rural Minnesota district. But, once he set his sights on other offices, he sold out law-abiding Minnesotans and promoted a radical gun-control agenda that emboldened criminals and left everyday citizens defenseless. 

Add to that the incident in which he greatly exaggerated his military role while pushing radical gun-control proposals, and there’s little doubt that together, he and Harris make up one of the most anti-gun pairs ever to run for the presidency and vice presidency.


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