Walz’s Biggest Debate Fibs

posted on October 2, 2024
Matt Rourke/AP

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) followed Vice President Kamala Harris’ (D) lead when it came to debate strategy, as he also opted to tell falsehoods about his positions on our constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

In the vice presidential debate with Republican nominee Sen. J.D. Vance (Ohio), Walz told a number of concerning fibs on the Second Amendment.

Walz said, “There are reasonable things that we can do to make a difference. It’s not infringing on your Second Amendment.”

If this turn of phrase about “not infringing on the Second Amendment” sounds familiar, that’s because President Joe Biden (D) has said it countless times throughout his time in office while still supporting every gun-control law imaginable.

Like Biden, the Harris-Walz ticket supports these same gun-control policy prescriptions, as noted on the campaign’s issues page. The pair supports bans on semi-automatic rifles commonly owned by law-abiding citizens. Beyond that, the page lists their desire to ban “high-capacity” magazines, to enact “universal” background checks” and more.

Each of these supposedly “reasonable” goals does, as America’s 1st Freedom has dissected and discussed numerous times, infringe on the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Walz said, “Kamala Harris, as an attorney general, worked on this issue. She knows that it’s there. No one’s trying to scaremonger and say, we’re taking your guns.”

Like Harris’ utterance in the presidential debate, where she said, “We’re not taking anybody’s guns away,” Walz comments are plainly untrue. Harris has repeatedly called for a ban on semi-automatic rifles and, as noted above, it’s still listed on the pair’s issues page of the campaign website.

With more than 28 million of these semi-automatic rifles owned by law-abiding Americans, according to estimates from the National Shooting Sports Foundation, these rifles are clearly protected under the “common-use” standard upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in D.C. v. Heller (2008). This ban that Walz and Harris are so eager to enact has been tried before. The Federal Assault Weapons Ban, which ran from 1994-2004, was found to have a negligible, if any, effect on crime, according to a congressionally-mandated study.

As for Harris’ tenure as California attorney general, she supported the most-unconstitutional gun-control measures possible. Prior to serving as attorney general, Harris even supported the idea that government can just walk right into your home to enforce its will.

“Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affair,” said then-San Francisco district attorney Harris in 2007 at a gun-control event with then-San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom (D).

Also as San Francisco attorney general, Harris earlier supported a city-wide ban on all handguns that included those already possessed by law-abiding city residents. So, contrary to what Walz claimed, Harris did want to take guns; at least from San Franciscans.

Walz said, “I was the NRA guy for a long time. They used to teach gun safety.”

Walz certainly isn’t an “NRA guy” nowadays and his ignorance about what this nation’s oldest civil-rights organization does is astounding. The NRA leads the way nationally when it comes to gun safety with more than 100,000 certified instructors and numerous firearm safety and training courses.

Amongst these programs are the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program, Hunter Education Program, NRA School Shield, Women on Target Clinics and many more.

Walz said, “Sometimes it just is the guns. It’s just the guns.”

Walz may believe this inane thought, but that does not make it any less untrue. Simply put, firearms are inanimate objects that are tools used by many law-abiding Americans to defend themselves against those who wish to commit acts of violence upon them. Research shows that more than a million Americans do just that every year. Tim Walz would rather disarm these law-abiding Americans instead of holding the criminal element within society accountable.

When those who oppose this constitutional right spout one lie after another, it is important to call them out with facts and data. America’s 1st Freedom will continue to do just through right up to election day and beyond.


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