Should licensed, trained, background-checked, card-carrying Right-to-Carry permit holders be barred from entering sports stadiums while armed? Legislation now proposed in Washington state would prevent public stadiums or the private companies that operate them from barring armed Right-to-Carry permit holders from entering stadiums, but the NFL, The Washington Post and some at Fox News apparently think that’s a bad idea.
“We haven’t seen the proposed legislation,” said Brian McCarthy, the NFL’s vice president of communications, “but we have a policy forbidding carrying a weapon into NFL stadiums.” Former NFL player Jack Brewer pronounced it “a ridiculous law to even be proposing.” And The Washington Post darkly warned that if the law passes, “guns could be added to an already combustible environment.”
Yet isn’t that what critics said about the dozens of states that allow Right-to-Carry permit holders to be armed in establishments that serve alcohol? So ... where’s the fire?