Va. Lawmakers Fail To Overturn Governor’s Veto Of Self-Defense Bills

posted on April 8, 2017

This week, the Virginia legislature decided to place partisan politics above the safety of domestic violence victims when it refused to override Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s veto of an important set of pro-Second Amendment measures. 

SB1299, SB1300, HB1852 and HB1853, sponsored by state Senator Jill Holtzman Vogel and Delegate Todd Gilbert, would have applied to Virginians filing a protective order, provided they were over 21 and not prohibited from possessing, purchasing or transporting firearms. The bills would have allowed such individuals to carry a concealed firearm for 45 days after the issuance of a protective order, giving them ample time to apply for a state concealed-carry permit. 

While anti-gun Democrat Gov. McAuliffe predictably vetoed the measures, it was hoped that the legislature would recognize the important safety implications of these measures and stand their ground. However, during Wednesday’s veto session, many chose instead to kowtow to the governor’s anti-gun machinations, leaving insufficient votes to override the veto. Virginians who value their rights would be wise to remember this in 2018.



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