A Utah lawmaker has introduced a bill that may make Utah the 12th state to adopt permitless concealed-carry. “I’m sponsoring this legislation because I have constituents that believe this is a Second Amendment right,” Utah state Rep. Lee Perry, a Utah Highway Patrol lieutenant, said. State law currently allows firearms to be carried openly without a permit, but if someone’s carry arm falls behind his or her jacket, or is temporarily stowed in a bag or purse, he or she is committing a crime.
Perry explained that his bill wouldn’t eliminate Utah’s concealed-carry permit, which requires a background check and completion of a firearms safety course. In fact, he encourages residents to continue taking advantage of the cost-effective training offered during the permitting process. “The intent of this bill is to not require Utahans who are law-abiding citizens and can already legally open carry to obtain yet another permit to concealed-carry,” Perry said. If passed, Utah would join neighboring states Wyoming and Arizona in allowing eligible residents permitless concealed-carry rights.