Less than two weeks after Katie Couric appeared on CNN criticizing journalists’ handling of Donald Trump, Trump has taken to Twitter to criticize Couric’s handling of journalism.
In Couric’s pseudo-documentary “Under The Gun,” she is shown asking gun owners a question, followed by an uncomfortable eight-second pause during which the interviewees appear to be flummoxed. However, audio recordings later proved the pause was manufactured for this effect, and in fact several of the gun owners answered Couric’s question immediately.
Couric has taken heat from all sides for the deception—in an article titled “Manipulative Editing Reflects Poorly On Katie Couric, Gun Documentary,” typically left-leaning NPR said the edits were “unfair and unwarranted” and “would not pass muster at NPR.” Trump, on the other hand, didn’t mince words. In a tweet on Monday, he said, “Katie Couric, the third-rate reporter who has been largely forgotten, should be ashamed of herself for the fraudulent editing of her doc.”
I’m not sure we could’ve said it better.