Time To Pull The Plug On Verizon?

posted on October 13, 2015

If you use Verizon services, it may be time to carefully consider why you’re sending them any of your money. A recent move by the media and telecom giant—the failure to renew existing contracts with the Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel—makes this shooting lifestyle content completely unavailable to customers using the Verizon Fios cable service. NRA members and other interested viewers will lose access to Friends of NRA, NRA All Access and NRA Life of Duty content among many others. 

The NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action put it all in perspective: “By their actions, Verizon is marginalizing a segment of society—130 million strong, loyal and passionate purveyors of the outdoor lifestyle including the millions of NRA members … The message is clear: If you differ in opinion about certain issues and lifestyle choices, Verizon doesn’t want your business.”  

Could it be time to pull the plug on Verizon: Phone, cable, Internet and all?

Use Your Power!

Let Verizon know what you think about their refusal to cater to shooting enthusiasts by contacting them here.



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