Despite being a near-constant cheerleader of all things gun control, The Fresno Bee’s editorial board has apparently seen the light on California’s Proposition 63.
In a Friday editorial titled “Proposition 63 won’t keep Californians any safer from gun violence,” the editorial board pointed out some of the problems with the ballot initiative. “It largely duplicates several of the laws passed by the governor and the Legislature,” the editors wrote. They added: “We have other major concerns that voters should consider before voting on Proposition 63, the biggest of which is that Californians haven’t had time to judge the effectiveness of the new gun control laws on the books.”
The Bee editors also stressed that the ballot initiative is simply a platform for grandstanding Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom to draw more attention to himself. “We also shouldn’t encourage publicity-seeking politicians such as Newsom, who have their eyes on higher elected office, from using the initiative process for personal gain,” the editorial stated.