Daphne and Robert Sanford were asleep when their home alarm system sounded. Robert got up to silence the alarm and found a man inside their home trying to enter the code himself. Police arrived a short time later to find Sanford holding the 25-year-old perpetrator at gunpoint. After a brief struggle with police, the intruder was arrested. After the incident, the sheriff stated, “The alarm alerted this family and their quick thinking and the protection with their firearm prevented this case from escalating.” (The Leader, Covington, Tenn., 4/3/14)
When Charles Jameson returned home with his fiancée about 1 a.m. they encountered a man in black clothing walking from a bedroom to another room. During the ensuing attack Jameson defended himself with a frying pan and issued a verbal warning. The intruder continued to attack. Jameson used his weapon to shoot the suspect twice, killing him. No charges were filed against Jameson. (Beaver Dam Daily Citizen, Beaver Dam, Wis., 10/4/14)
From The Armed Citizen® Archives January 1980: When two men entered the Detroit, Mich., market and announced a holdup, owner Tony Haddad was neither amused nor intimidated. He drew his .357 mag. revolver, threw one would-be robber to the floor, and then collared his fleeing accomplice. Haddad, who had pulled his gun in self-defense 15 times in 11 months, held the pair at bay until police arrived. (The News, Detroit, Mich.)