On the afternoon of Jan. 11, 2022, the Chickasha, Okla., police were called to the scene of a car crash that ended with a death. This bizarre situation started when a man drove his car through a nearby KFC restaurant, damaging the building, and continued through several front lawns before backing into a home, then getting out and banging on its windows. When a neighbor went out to his porch to investigate the commotion, the suspect charged the man and assaulted his wife as he entered their home. The homeowner shot the crazed home invader, who died at the scene. (tulsaworld.com, Tulsa, Okla., 1/11/22)
On the evening of Jan. 2, an unknown man broke into a home in Salem, Ore. A 62-year-old man was with his daughter and grandchildren in the home. The homeowner was able to retrieve his firearm and defend himself and his family, shooting and killing the intruder. The police were called to the scene and responders pronounced the intruder dead. A defense attorney confirmed to the media that Oregon is a “stand your ground” state with no requirement to retreat when in imminent danger. (statesmanjournal.com, Salem, Ore., 1/3/22)