Trying to escape a vehicle whose driver and passenger were reportedly road-raging, a man in Urbana, Ill., drove to an emergency-room parking lot on Nov. 16, 2024. The other vehicle’s occupants did not back off, so the man continued out onto another road, attempting to “create distance.” While all vehicles were stopped (for unreported reasons), the female driver and male passenger of the pursuing vehicle got out and approached the other driver. Allegedly, the woman was wielding a baseball bat and the man put his hand under his shirt in a way that made him appear to be drawing a firearm. The threatened driver drew his own firearm and shot at the approaching couple, striking the male, and called 911. The suspect was taken to the hospital where he underwent surgery and was in intensive care. The investigation remained open. (news-gazette.com, Champaign, Ill., 11/16/24)
A woman in DeSoto, Texas, noticed a dark truck following her home the evening of Nov. 8, 2024. When she arrived, she raced inside, armed herself and called 911 as a man allegedly attempted to enter her residence. The woman told the 911 operator that she did not know the man and the call later records screaming and gunshot reports. Responding officers found an armed 35-year-old man in the garage with one gunshot wound to the chest and one to the head; he apparently survived these wounds, as reports also indicate he was charged with burglary of a habitation with intent to commit another felony. (dallasnews.com, Dallas, Texas, 11/10/24)