The first thing John Chapman did upon returning home to find his front door propped open was retrieve his Taurus .38-cal. revolver. He slowly went upstairs to investigate, noting that drawers in the bedroom had been opened and items were strewn about. An intruder then sprang from behind the bedroom door. Chapman told him not to move, but the intruder rushed at him anyway. Chapman fired two shots. The intruder ran outside and collapsed on the sidewalk. He will be arrested after his release from the hospital. (Charleston Gazette, Charleston, WV, 11/03/11)
The Armed Citizen Extra
(The following account did not appear in the print version of American Rifleman.)
A residential landscaper arrived for work one morning and quickly realized that his client's house was being burglarized. The landscaper confronted the burglar and fired a shot, striking the suspect. The suspect faced charges upon his release from the hospital. (The Everett Herald, Tacoma, WA, 08/18/11)
From The Armed Citizen Archives
February 1977: Two thieves were stashing the money they had robbed from 65-year-old Joe Fereira's grocery in a paper bag and had turned toward the front door, when Fereira, whose Fresno, Calif., store had been robbed just a few months before, drew his handgun and fired. He wounded one robber in the arm, forcing him to drop the cash. A passer-by chased and caught the other crook. (The Bee, Fresno, CA)