The father of a 2-year-old girl did what he could to protect his child. When he and his daughter were sightseeing together at an area lake one afternoon, they were approached by a man wielding a knife. The man demanded money. The father immediately thwarted the robbery attempt when he pulled out his concealed firearm, prompting the man to flee in a van. No shots were fired, and no injuries were reported. (Idaho Press-Tribune, Coeur d'Alene, ID, 6/23/14)
The Armed Citizen Extra
A restaurant manager in Rockford, Ill., thwarted an early morning burglary attempt at his place of employment. A 42-year-old man entered a local sports bar after hours through an unsecured back door. Walking behind the bar and stealing two bottles of alcohol, the burglar was then spotted by an employee, who yelled at him. The commotion alerted Manager Michael Prosser, who chased the burglar from the building and pursued him into the street. A struggle ensued, prompting Prosser to produce his legally concealed .45 ACP Springfield pistol and to point it at the culprit, who immediately stopped resisting. The criminal was then taken into custody when the authorities arrived, and now faces charges of burglary and battery. (Rockford Register Star, Rockford, IL, 11/7/14)
From The Armed Citizen Archives September 1964: When Florida State Sen. Hayward Davis walked into his Lake Placid home and saw his wife and two small children sitting on the couch, he knew something was wrong. Just then he saw an armed intruder holding a un on his family. Mrs. Davis was forced to tie up her husband with neckties. The gunman then pushed the senator into one closet and the two children into another, and forced Mrs. Davis to drive away with him in the family car. Davis, freeing himself, ran into the garage and got a shotgun. The gunman and Mrs. Davis returned. When the intruder found that Sen. Davis was not in the closet, he grabbed Mrs. Davis and told her to tell her husband to come out. When the man started to choke Mrs. Davis, Sen. Davis fired a shot at him. The thug fired two shots from his pistol and Sen. Davis fired a second shot which fatally wounded the man who had terrorized his family. It was later learned that the man was an escapee from a Florida prison. (Fort Lauderdale News, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.)