As a repo man prepared to repossess a car, a strange confrontation occurred. Police say a 26-year-old man cursed at the repo man and tried to prevent him from taking the car. Oddly, the suspect was not the owner of the car and didn’t live at the address where it was parked. Yet he pulled out a gun and fired. The repo man, who has a concealed-carry permit, drew his handgun and fired. The suspect was killed. (Naples Daily News, Naples, FL, 09/16/11)
The Armed Citizen Extra
(The following account did not appear in the print version of American Rifleman.)
A woman was in her home one afternoon when she spotted a man getting into her husband's truck through her bedroom window. She immediately grabbed a 12-gauge shotgun and called out to the man to stay put. She held him at gun point until police arrived to arrest the would-be theif. (Idaho State Journal, Pocatello, ID, 04/22/10)
From The Armed Citizen Archives
December 1978: An armed bandit forced his way into a Snohomish County, Wash., home and pointed his gun at the head of a 68-year-old resident. Hearing the commotion, the victim's son got a .243 cal. rifle from the bedroom and shot the holdup man through the hand, shattering both the pistol and the hand. The robber fled but was arrested later at a hospital. (The Herald, Everett, Wash.)