Suppressor Bill On The Move In Illinois

posted on December 1, 2016

In Illinois, an important piece of pro-gun legislation is on the move—but we need your help to ensure it makes it all the way to the governor’s desk. 

Senate Bill 206, which would legalize the possession and use of suppressors, was approved by a 7-5 vote in the Senate Judiciary committee on Tuesday, and came from the House with significant bipartisan support. However, the bill will need to clear the Democrat-controlled Senate with a two-thirds vote—so Illinois gun owners must make their voices heard.


Because this bill could be brought for a vote on the Senate floor at any time, it’s imperative you contact your senator now. Explain that because suppressor use helps guard against hearing loss, helps improve accuracy and reduces noise complaints from nearby residential areas, Illinois residents deserve the option of using suppressors. Call your state senator and urge them to support Senate Bill 206— a full list of phone numbers can be found here.



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