NRATV’s Grant Stinchfield, host of Stinchfield, took on the violent left with a commentary defending Dana Loesch’s NRA ad. He called out everyone who is having a fake meltdown over the ad and set the record straight: “You people openly call for the assassination of our president and then claim the NRA is inciting violence.”
The Loesch ad, which was originally released in April, has drawn rabid attacks from left-wing liberals. Many singled out her “clenched fist of truth” line as a call to violence when, in fact, she was using the resistance imagery favored by anti-Trump protesters to encourage truth in the war of lies. Stinchfield stood firmly in Loesch’s corner. “We don’t apologize for warning America about chaos creators who want to impose their will upon us through their violence and lies.”
Stinchfield also blamed Tamika Mallory, California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, DeRay McKesson and Sen. Chris Murphy, as well as the media, for purposefully misrepresenting the NRA ad and concocting controversy. The result, he said, has been a groundswell of support for the NRA. Freedom-loving Americans sick of this hypocrisy are “getting behind the greatest defender of freedom in history,” Stinchfield declared. Watch the commentary here.