Standing Guard | Will Tomorrow be Their Picture of a New Day in America, or Ours?

posted on December 19, 2018
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“Tomorrow will be a new day in America.” Those are the words of Democrat congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, on the night of the recent midterm elections in which her party seized control of the U.S. House of Representatives.

For gun owners and freedom-loving Americans everywhere, Pelosi’s new day could become a dark nightmare. In fact, on that same election night, Pelosi listed “gun safety legislation” among the priorities she expected the new Democrat majority in the House to aggressively pursue.

“Well, we will certainly pursue sensible gun control legislation as one of our priorities.” — Rep. Jerrold Nadler

NRA members are well aware of what Pelosi and her anti-freedom colleagues mean when they talk about “gun safety.” She is not talking about the safe, responsible handling, use and care of our firearms. No, she cares not one whit about actual firearm safety.

It’s just like all those congressional candidates and office holders who talk about how they support the Second Amendment and then walk into the House chamber and vote for every gun ban, ammunition ban, licensing scheme, federal registration requirement, bullet tax and bureaucratic red-tape restriction they can think of to choke our firearms freedom to death.

Take Rep. Jerrold Nadler, from New York, who has now taken over as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. If you haven’t heard of Nadler, just think about Sen. Charles Schumer, who also once chaired the House Judiciary Committee.

When it comes to the Second Amendment, Nadler and Schumer are mirror images of each other. In fact, Nadler has been regularly talking about taking over the House and rolling out anti-Second Amendment legislation.

But just coming after our firearms is not enough for Nadler and his Democrat colleagues in charge of the House.

Through legislation that can only be described as insidious and deceitful, they want to ban the free speech of people who lawfully own firearms and of nationally respected organizations like the NRA.

It’s called “campaign finance reform,” aimed at reducing the influence of so-called big money in elections. That may sound like a good idea, particularly when you consider the literally hundreds of millions of dollars spent in the last election by liberals like Michael Bloomberg, George Soros and Tom Steyer—most targeted to elect Democrat socialists who hate the NRA and want to obliterate the Second Amendment.

But the new House Democrats were elected with all those millions, and their “campaign finance reform” won’t affect those millions one bit.

Rather than actually targeting big money in politics, their bill instead would shut down the ability of honest groups, like the NRA, to speak out during an election. And if they had their way, the most aggressive of these Democrat socialists would, if they could, enact legislation to seize the lists of every single member of the NRA and every donor to our association.

Can you imagine your name and personal information on some great socialist government list?

There are only two reasons for a big government list of law-abiding gun owners—to either tax them or confiscate their guns.

That is not what America is about. That is contrary to the very concept of individual liberty. And that must never be allowed to happen. Not on our watch. Not if you and I, and every other member of the NRA, have anything to say about it.

Pelosi was right when she said it’s a new day in America.

It is. It is also a new day for the National Rifle Association of America.

Now is the time when our freedom faces perhaps its greatest threat ever. There seem to be no bounds to the limits our opponents will go to destroy the NRA and eliminate our American freedom.

Now is the time for every member of the NRA to personally rise and take a stand against all the political lies, media distortions, legislative attacks, billionaire socialists and personal smears against us and our freedom.

Now is the time to join together as a united, strong and growing NRA. We will fight them on Capitol Hill and in state legislatures throughout the country. We will fight them in the courts. We will fight them on the airwaves. We will defend our freedom in our coffee shops and workplaces and neighborhoods.

Now is the time to spread the word, bring a new member into our NRA ranks, and strengthen our numbers and resolve to always stand and ever fight to defend our Second Amendment and the individual freedoms that have always made our America the greatest nation on Earth!


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