Standing Guard | The NRA Is Back

posted on June 18, 2024
Doug Hamlin, Executive Vice President & CEO

The NRA is back. That is the first thing I want to say to you as your association’s new executive vice president and CEO.

We have new leadership. We are resolute. We know our mission. We are all in this together. We are again holding our heads high as we positively stand up for our freedom in this critical election year.

There has never been a more important time for us to get back on our feet than right now. The American people want their freedom. No, they demand their freedom. And now the NRA has righted its course. We are now rallying our millions of members, and all freedom-loving Americans, to this patriotic cause. Now is the time to come together. Now is the time to be bold.

I didn’t seek this position; actually, I first declined to be considered for it. I didn’t hesitate because the challenge is too great, but because I first needed to know that the NRA Board, all of the donors who support us and more—I never doubted this association’s incredible membership—were ready to move boldly forward. They are.

So yes, this needs to be said loudly, and with the swagger of confidence, that we are back. And not just back, but we have incredible opportunities before us. We are right. We have a majority of voters with us nationally. There are millions of new gun owners. There are millions of former NRA members who need to come back. We are stronger together within this great association. We need to stand up together, fists clenched and jaws set, and to peacefully advocate for our freedom. We need to vote and to make sure all gun owners vote. If we do, we will retain our freedom.

As I travel around America, it is always made clear to me that NRA members, and indeed all freedom-loving Americans, are tired of being blamed for the actions of criminals and for the results of bad policies from woke politicians and district attorneys. We’re tired of being called the bad guys. We know we are the good guys. The many millions of men and women who support law enforcement and law and order, those who shoulder the responsibility of their freedom, are the good citizens.

Most NRA members know me already, as I served as executive director of NRA Publications for the last 10 years. I also served six years on active duty, and six more years in the reserves, as an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. After leaving active duty, I rose in the private sector by leading substantial business enterprises. During my time leading NRA Publications, I made many reforms, streamlined the division and grew the division with new properties for our members. My team brought in over $220 million to the NRA.

I am now bringing this open accountability to the top of the NRA.

My time serving our nation, and in the NRA, has given me tremendous insight into the history of our freedom and of the opportunities we have before us. There is no time to waste. The NRA has been silent for too long.

Like President Donald J. Trump, whom the NRA Political Victory Fund has proudly endorsed to once again lead this great nation, the NRA is ready for this fight. My favorite Winston Churchill quote is “I love a man who grins when he fights.” That is the NRA today. That is you and that is me. We’re grinning because we know we are right, and we know we can and must win.

These are only my first words to you. I will continue to openly communicate and to listen. My door is wide open. This is an association of members who know their freedom is precious. This association is only as strong as its membership. That is you and that is me. Let’s go save and retake our freedom together.


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