We did it! On June 23, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of the constitutional rights of all law-abiding Americans in NRA’s landmark case New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen.
The court’s 6-3 decision plainly stated what you and I have known all along: Our Second Amendment right to carry a firearm for self-defense does NOT cease to exist when we leave our homes. As Justice Clarence Thomas opined several years ago, when the Court refused to hear a similar case: “I find it extremely improbable that the Framers understood the Second Amendment to protect little more than carrying a gun from the bedroom to the kitchen.”
Indeed, decades of right-to-carry laws all across America—laws that were fought for and secured by NRA members—have proven that good men and women who carry firearms for self-defense are among the most law-abiding in the nation. They are the solution, not the problem.
The significance of this victory simply cannot be overstated.
Every NRA member should be proud of what we all accomplished together in this fight.
This ruling should bring life-saving justice to every American who has been effectively stripped of his or her Second Amendment right to self-defense—and particularly in cities and states where revolving-door criminal-justice systems, no cash bail and defunded police forces have made daily life significantly more dangerous.
Every NRA member should be proud of what we all accomplished together in this fight. But at the same time, we must never take our eyes off the ball.
Before the ink was dry on our historic Supreme Court victory, Joe Biden and his anti-Second Amendment allies in Congress reminded us that our freedom is always just one election away from extinction. Specifically, they passed into law a series of senseless gun-control measures that will do nothing to keep anyone safer and which only infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans.
And this gun-control bill is just a small appetizer for what Biden and his freedom-hating allies have in store for our Second Amendment rights if they gain just a handful of seats in Congress this November.
Just weeks ago, in a televised address, Biden told us exactly what he plans to do:
“Assault weapons need to be banned. They were banned. I led the fight in 1994. And then, under pressure from the NRA and the gun manufacturers and others, that ban was lifted in 2004 … I’m determined to ban these weapons again, and high-capacity magazines … I’m not going to stop until we do it.”
There is nothing I can add to Biden’s words to motivate you and every other NRA member to fight like hell between now and Election Day—and deny him the precious few votes he needs in Congress to make his sweeping gun bans a reality.
Joe Biden is filled with a venomous contempt for gun owners and the Second Amendment that goes deeper than any politician who’s ever held office. He’s made that clear over and over again. And, if you and I don’t take his message to heart right now—if we lose ground in November’s election—we won’t get a second chance to keep our guns.
This is the battle that you and I have trained for all our lives. And it’s a battle that we can win if we all pull together now under the NRA banner.
In all of American history, no organization has defeated more freedom-hating candidates than the NRA. With your continued membership support, NRA will find the voters who haven’t made up their minds in the precincts that count and the battleground states that will decide the balance of power in Congress. We’ll reach out to the millions of first-time gun owners who’ve purchased firearms to protect their families in the midst of the Biden crime-wave crisis. And we’ll make sure that every politician who aligns him or herself with Biden’s anti-Second Amendment agenda goes down in defeat on Election Day.
Yes, the full weight of freedom’s future is now once again on our shoulders. But it is in times of greatest crisis that the greatest leaders emerge.
You and every NRA member are those great leaders. And now is the time to remind the nation that when our freedom is under attack, we fight back, we vote and we win.