In the wake of the tragic shooting in Charleston, S.C., one legislator is trying to leverage public outrage to push through a number of radical anti-gun measures. Democrat State Sen. Marlon Kimpson has summarized the bills that he is preparing to introduce in the state Senate, and they include just about every intrusive or restrictive policy you could think of: Adding a state-level background check (while eliminating the federal three-day “loophole”), banning every firearm defined as an “assault weapon,” requiring a permit to purchase a gun and more.
It is unlikely that Sen. Kimpson’s bills will gain much traction. According to Republican Sen. Larry Martin, who heads the Senate Judiciary Committee, “There is absolutely no appetite for gun control or gun registration.” Even if there was, it is hard to imagine an agenda as extreme as Kimpson’s gaining the support of the state’s legislators and constituents.