SIG Sauer continued its support as a sustaining sponsor of the Honored American Veterans Afield (HAVA) by donating $40,000 to the group whose mission is to use firearm training and hunting to help disabled vets transition through a challenging time in their lives.
“I’m pretty proud to partner with HAVA,” said Andy York, president of the Electro-Optics Division. This year’s gift was tied to sales from SIG’s Electro-Optics Division, with a portion of proceeds going into a fund earmarked for HAVA. York and Tom Taylor, SIG’s chief marketing officer and executive vice president of commercial sales, presented the check.
HAVA was organized in 2007 to provide a route that would help reintegrate disabled veterans back into a normal civilian lifestyle. The roadmap to the success of the program includes offering them the ability to participate in outdoor events, like hunting, even if that requires teaching someone with a prosthetic limb to shoot again.
Rick Cicero, manager and lead instructor of HAVA’s Learn to Shoot Again team for a couple of years, accepted the check on behalf of HAVA. His team develops training techniques that help those with challenging physical injuries learn how to safety handle and shoot firearms again.
Cicero, a former paratrooper in the Army and firearm instructor, was injured by an improvised explosive device (IED) while he was a contractor in Afghanistan. The bomb left Cicero without his right arm and leg. But those limitations have not kept Cicero from an activity he loves.
During the Annual Meetings, he stopped by the Laser Ammo booth and showed off his skills and shared a video of it on HAVA’s Facebook page.