Should Gun Dealers Be Forced to Lie?

posted on September 21, 2024
courtesy the NSSF

New York is well known for its constant infringements on the Second Amendment rights of lawful gun owners. What’s less known, but equally egregious, is the state’s ongoing attack on the First Amendment.

The most recent attempt at First Amendment infringement in the Empire State is a measure headed to Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) for consideration that would require gun retailers to post within their place of business a warning about the “risks that come with owning a firearm.” In addition, SB 6649 would also require gun sellers to provide information about the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline to buyers at the point of sale.

According to the legislation, passed by the legislature back in June, the signs, which must be at least 8½-by-11 inches and use at least 26-point type, would read: “Access to a weapon or firearm in the home significantly increases the risk of suicide, death during domestic disputes, and/or unintentional deaths to children, household members and others. If you or a loved one is experiencing distress and/or depression, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988.”

Under the measure sent to Hochul, the signs must be posted at an entrance to their shop by licensed dealers or gunsmiths, a second posted where the guns are being sold and at least one more sign in an additional area. Along with the signs posted, a copy of this warning must be “displayed or delivered” to the buyers.

As for punishment for not posting the signs, the legislation states: “Failure to comply with any provision of this subdivision shall be a violation punishable by imprisonment of not more than fifteen days or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or both. Each day that a violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense.”

It continues: “The provisions of this subdivision shall be enforced within each municipality by the applicable local police force, including town, city and village police departments which officers are authorized to issue appearance tickets. Appearance tickets shall be served personally.”

In effect, rather than telling New York gun sellers what they can’t say—an obvious infringement on their First Amendment rights—the state is telling them what they must say, even though it is anti-gun propaganda at its finest. Not surprisingly, no legislation has been introduced requiring signs in gun shops stating that firearms are used over a million times a year by lawful citizens protecting themselves and their families.

The legislation is just a continuation of gun-control activists’ efforts to convince the public that all guns are bad. New York’s unwillingness to admit that murders and violent crime are caused by murderers and other violent criminals is telling in that it ignores a very important aspect of gun ownership.

It’s also an extension of the push by anti-Second Amendment politicians to label violent crime as a “public-health crisis.” By making gun sellers post signs, like cigarette manufacturers are required to do on packaging, lawmakers are bolstering the notion that guns are always bad and always a danger to owners.

In fact, Senate Deputy Majority Leader Michael Gianaris (D) said just that when discussing the measure. “We have warnings on cigarette boxes, we have warnings on bottles of alcohol,” said Gianaris.

The state already made the business of selling firearms and related products more difficult than it should be. A new law last year requires retailers to run a background check for each ammunition purchase, creating a lot of extra work for retailers and frustration for ammo buyers.

Only time will tell whether Hochul, who has repeatedly proven herself to be no friend of American’s First and Second Amendment-protected rights, will sign the warning sign legislation.


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