Robert A. Lovingood, vice chair of the San Bernardino, Calif., County Board of Supervisors, recently penned an editorial for the Victorville Daily Press. His opening statement: “What does it take to stop a bad guy with a gun? A good guy with a gun.”
Following the December terrorist attack in his town, Lovingood has concluded that it’s time to make a strategic shift, and “empowering the people to protect themselves is a good place to start.” He encourages law-abiding residents to consider applying for concealed-carry permits: “This is a call for self-defense under the law.”
Lovingood’s other proposals include allowing county volunteers to carry concealed and strategically placing firearms at county facilities.
He shouldn’t have any trouble selling the first initiative to residents—the county has reported a ninefold increase in carry applications in the months after the attack, with more than 1,000 new applications pouring in since Dec. 2.