Multi-platinum singer-songwriter Riley Green has captivated country music fans since his 2018 EP, with tracks such as the No. 1 platinum hit “There Was This Girl,” the three-times-platinum-certified heart-tugger “I Wish Grandpas Never Died” and his chart-topping collaboration with Thomas Rhett, “Half of Me.” Green was named the Academy of Country Music’s 2020 New Male Artist of the Year, a former MusicRow Breakout Artist of the Year, a CMT “Listen Up Artist,” and one of CRS’ 2020 New Faces 2020. His third studio album, “Don’t Mind If I Do,” released on his birthday in October 2024, continues to showcase his signature style. NRA Country’s Bob Jenkins recently had the opportunity to ask Green a few questions about what motivates his music.
BJ: You opened your Duck Blind bar in September, released the Don’t Mind If I Do album in October, and the Damn Country Music Tour is kicking off in March. Can you share why it is important to you to hold onto your Alabama roots, hunting, fishing and dogs?
RG: All of the songs I write are inspired by where I grew up and the values I learned from my family. I was lucky to get to spend so much time with my grandparents as a kid and running around on the farm that I get to call home now.
BJ: We are incredibly excited to have an outdoors man such as yourself headlining for the NRA Country concert at the Great American Outdoor Show. With halls dedicated to shooting sports, archery, fishing, boating, hunting outfitters and the outdoor lifestyle, what is on the top of your list to check out?
RG: This is truly a tough question for me. You’re talking about all my favorites things under one roof. But if I had to pick, I’d say archery and hunting outfitters. We are on the road a lot, but I’m always thinking about what I want to do when I get some time off.
BJ: “Way Out Here” speaks to lots of people, but it will really strike a chord with many of the NRA Members. Can you share with us your inspiration for the song?
RG: That song was originally released by Josh Thompson more than a decade ago, and I am such a big fan of his music. It has always stuck with me, and we were excited to make our version.
BJ: NRA Hunting has an R3 mission; Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation. Can you share a story that might inspire people to get on or back out on the trail?
RG: There’s nothing that tops the feeling of success that you get from a hard hunt or hunting season. The feeling of accomplishment, and oftentimes relief, is hard to top. It’s hard to describe until you feel it yourself. So, I would just encourage all hunters to make a point to introduce somebody to their pursuit. If we don’t pass it on, we lose it.
BJ: November was “Wild Game Meat Donation Month.” One of the messages for that month is about sharing a wild game meal with a non-hunter. Can you share a time when you’ve been able to expose someone to wild game for their first time?
RG: I’m fortunate enough to be able to do this pretty frequently. There are a lot of misconceptions out there about the taste of wild game. Like anything, a bad cook can ruin some great ingredients, but I love seeing people blown away by how wild game can taste when done right.
NRA Country is a lifestyle and a bond between the country music community and hard-working Americans everywhere. It’s powered by pride, freedom, love of country, respect for the military and the responsibilities of protecting the great American life. For more information visit nracountry.com, follow us on Facebook facebook.com/nracountry, Twitter @NRACountry, and NRA_Country on Instagram.