Victor Patalano served as a deputy sheriff in Nassau County, N.Y., for more than 25 years. In 2010, while serving a summons, he slipped on ice and ended up having a hip replaced. Now retired, Patalano wants to protect his family the best way he knows how—with a firearm. But the former deputy has been denied that right.
He’s not alone. Three retired Nassau County correction officers have also been denied their right to a firearm due to physical disabilities. Now they’ve filed suit against the county in hopes of changing that.
“This suit is necessary to change how disabled officers, who served this county well, are being treated by the county when they want the same benefits that other retirees get,” said Frederick Brewington, the Hempstead attorney representing Patalano, Thomas Delle, Alexandros Perros and Nicholas Lenoci. Here’s hoping justice is swiftly served.