President Takes A Day Off From Attacking Second Amendment

posted on January 14, 2016

After spending nearly an entire week relentlessly hammering on law-abiding Americans’ Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms in several press appearances, President Barack Obama took a rare day off from those attacks in his State of the Union Address on Tuesday evening.

But don’t take that to mean he’s backing down on the gun issue. On the very same day as the State of the Union speech, Denis McDonough, Obama’s White House chief of staff, boldly stated, “We’ll do audacious executive action throughout the course of the rest of the year, I am confident of that.”

While no specifics were mentioned, it’s not unlikely that the president would again target gun owners’ rights with further executive actions. After all, who really believes that Obama’s push to “fundamentally transform” the Second Amendment won’t continue right up to his last day in office?



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