Apparently the Tennessee Democratic Party didn’t learn anything from the Bush-Gore election, where state voters turned against native son Al Gore because of his stance on guns. Now, Mark Brown, communications director for Tennessee Victory 2018, is lambasting gun owners. He has made it clear that he perceives "white male ‘Murican gun nuts” as the biggest terrorist organization on the planet. Brown aired his views on Facebook in February 2015.
Bredesen, running for U.S. Senate in Tennessee, has based almost his entire campaign on pandering to voters by saying whatever is politically expedient.
So gun owners and supporters of the Second Amendment need to beware. Bredesen is playing you. He started by claiming an “A” rating from the NRA Political Victory Fund, a falsehood that was refuted by the NRA, which says Bredesen has a “D” grade when it comes to gun rights legislation.
He went a step further by making the claim that if he had been in the Senate, he would have voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh—claims his staffers laughed about in a video effort by Project Veritas.
And he was on the campaign trail with none other than top gun control king Michael Bloomberg.
Bredesen might think he can pull the wool over voters’ eyes, but the power to show him otherwise rests with Tennessee citizens. This year’s midterm election matters because its important to keep gun rights majorities in the House and Senate. Go to the polls on Nov. 6 and show Bredesen’s team you’re not as “ignorant” as they think.