He called it “one of the greatest honors of my life.” Of his eight years spent as commander-in-chief of the free world, former President Bill Clinton considers enacting gun-control laws one of his most important acts.
While appearing at a Brady Campaign event last Wednesday, Clinton bragged, “One of the great honors of my life was signing the Brady law [1993], and then a year later in the crime bill, the ‘assault weapons’ ban and the ammunition clip ban [1994].”
The former president conveniently left out the repercussions of those acts, as freedom-loving Americans exacted swift revenge at the polls. Even Clinton himself wrote of the 1994 elections, “We got the living daylights beat out of us … the NRA had a great night.”
Let’s not give another Clinton the chance to boast about taking away our guns. Get to the polls and vote freedom first this November!