With Hillary Clinton still floundering in an email server scandal, former Maryland Governor and Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley seems to be trying to prove he’s anti-gun enough to be the party’s nominee.
O’Malley’s “gun violence prevention” plan reads more like a gun-ban playbook than anything having to do with violent criminals. It includes, among other things, the Holy Grail of gun-banners—instituting a federal registry that could act as the first step toward confiscation. Other items on O’Malley’s wish list include so-called “universal” background checks, banning possession of ownership of handguns by anyone under 21, and repealing the 2005 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which shields gun manufacturers from lawsuits based on criminal use of their legal products.
If there was ever any hint that O’Malley might not be an ardent gun-ban advocate (and there really wasn’t), he’s ruled that out by his litany of proposals that affect only law-abiding gun owners, not violent criminals.