Chris W. Cox, head of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, addressed the Republican National Convention last night, delivering brief but forceful remarks alerting Americans that their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms is very much on the line in this year’s presidential contest.
Eight years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled, by one vote, that the Second Amendment is an individual right—a decision Hillary Clinton said is “wrong.” As Cox explained, “a Hillary Clinton Supreme Court means your right to own a firearm is gone.”
Noting that “the right to protect your life is the most precious right you have,” Cox said: “The 5 million men and women of the NRA will fight without apology for your right to protect your life. Because we are on the cusp of losing this great American freedom, and with it, this great nation. The only way we save it is by electing Donald Trump the next president of the United States.”