The NRA’s Hunter Education course is now available in New Mexico and completion of the online class will meet the state prerequisite for purchasing a hunting license.
The free course is a great tool for new hunters in all 50 states to become acquainted with the important knowledge necessary for safe hunting and game gathering. Besides New Mexico, Texas, Connecticut, Florida and Oregon all accept completion of the free course as a prerequisite for purchasing a hunting license.
Outdoors lovers who are ready to go on their first hunt, or those who wish to brush up on what they might have forgotten, will get a comprehensive and fresh take on hunter education by taking the online class. The course contains 15 chapters, with sequences that feature engaging videos, graphics, diagrams, interactive modules to teach great lessons. The NRA has included audio and visual aids as ways to present the necessary information in a way that appeals to members of the younger generations who want to carry on America’s hunting heritage.
Because it is offered online, students have access to the information whenever and wherever is most convenient for them. The NRA hopes the course serves as the first step in encouraging new hunters.
When it comes to time-tested lessons, the NRA draws upon almost 60 years of teaching people the basics of hunting safety. Although the method of presentation has changed with the times, adapting to today’s technology, the basic guidelines remain the same.
To take the course or to learn more about NRA Hunter Education, please visit nrahe.org.