Further demonstrating its ties to the law enforcement community, The NRA Foundation recently announced a grant award aimed at helping the Jourdanton (Texas) Police Department enhance its training regimen. The $5,385 grant will allow the department to purchase practice ammunition for its Advanced Firearms Training Program.
This is a key area of need, because, as tactics instructor Lt. David Presley explained, some instruction courses require hundreds or even thousands of rounds of ammunition per officer—and many police departments, particularly those in rural areas such as Jourdanton, often cannot absorb such an expense.
“In the law enforcement world, tight budgets often limit the amount of training that a department can allocate to each officer,” Police Chief Eric Kaiser said in an interview with the Pleasanton Express. “We want our officers to be as proficient as we can possibly make them, and we thank the NRA for focusing their charitable efforts on assisting law enforcement agencies in rural areas.”