In New York City Saturday, black activist Al Sharpton accused the NRA of racism for not rushing to the microphones to comment on two police-involved shootings before investigations had hardly begun: “Where is the NRA? Where is Wayne Pierre (sic) now?”
On Tuesday, NRA Commentator Colion Noir appeared on Fox News to refute Sharpton’s attack. He reminded Sharpton that NRA supported the Deacons for Defense and Justice, an armed black self-defense icon of the civil rights movement, in defending black neighborhoods, activists and gatherings against Klan attacks in the 1960s. “Not only were they NRA members, they also bought their ammo from the NRA,” said Noir. “I don’t know if he maybe just forgot about that piece of history, or if he never cared to pay attention to it.”
In response to criticism that he’s being used, Noir responded, “It’s insulting, because it insinuates that I wasn’t able to get where I am at now based on my own merit, and that … the idea that I’m black is the only reason I’m here. So, that begs the question: Who’s the real racist in that regard?”