NRA Affiliates Ensure The Baton Passes To The Next Generation

posted on November 1, 2019
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As many of you are aware, the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action is a vital part of the communications lifeline for the preservation of Second Amendment rights. If you enjoy the shooting sports or are a mentor to others, then you may also be part of another grassroots program. I’m talking about NRA-affiliated clubs and associations and their extremely important role in maintaining our shooting-sports lifeline of membership, education and passing the baton on to the next generation.

It should come as no surprise that, for an association as experienced as the NRA, the resources available are vast, and include information for both civilian and law-enforcement clubs. I want to also highlight the fact that we are indebted to our clubs for the untiring, week-in and week-out work that you do for your members, particularly juniors, and for the NRA family at large. Having been a member of many clubs and associations, I’ve witnessed the sacrifices club leaders routinely make to ensure their club’s success in their communities.

Your NRA Headquarters is committed to doing the same by supporting your club with shared lessons learned from other clubs; financial support through grants; technical range resources; guidance about how to incorporate; a ready-made Club Officer’s Guide; and special insider offers in the form of discounts and services through the Business Alliance Program. The Business Alliance Program provides NRA member businesses with a marketplace to sell goods and services to fellow NRA members and Second Amendment advocates. To learn more, visit

In the true spirit of partnership, we recognize the successful efforts of our 15,000 clubs and associations, and commit our many NRA resources to help with what you are already doing. For an annual cost of less than an afternoon at the movies, prospective NRA-Affiliate Clubs also receive the Club Connection magazine with shared lessons learned and contact information for the network of Affiliate Clubs and State Organizations. To download the latest Club Connection magazine or to subscribe to future editions, visit

2014 Kimball High School Clay Target Team on the improved, NRA grant-funded, Kimball Rod & Gun Club Trap Range in Minnesota.

Each year, the NRA recognizes outstanding clubs, state associations, youth clubs and an individual or organization for public service. I look forward to seeing one of your club members recognized for all that you do. To access these resources, call 1-800-NRA-CLUB, email or search through


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