NPR’s "Morning Edition" painted a picture of Shannon Watts of Moms Demand Action as a stay-at-home mom with no previous political experience before she started a Facebook page called One Million Moms for Gun Control. However, Watts started her career in 1993 as a public affairs officer for Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan, a vehement opponent of gun rights.
NPR’s Chris Arnold reported that, the day after Sandy Hook, “Watts had never done anything political before, but she made a Facebook page: “One Million Moms for Gun Control.”
As A1F has previously reported, Watts started her career working for Gov. Carnahan, who campaigned from day one for one-gun-a-month, repeal of Missouri’s pre-emption statute, fingerprinting and photographing gun purchasers, reporting gun sales to police, and requiring permits to buy ammunition. He prevented enactment of “shall-issue” carry permit laws until after he left office.