Activist Catherine Engelbrecht works in the area of voters’ rights, seeking to ensure that the system provides proper safeguards against election fraud. The president of True the Vote, she is committed to defending the integrity of the right to vote against organizations with sinister agendas.
Her work hasn’t made her popular in all circles.
“We exposed corruption—so the corrupters wanted me silenced,” she says. “The IRS, FBI, ATF, OSHA and a U.S. congressman turned my life upside-down.”
The message that Engelbrecht has for NRA members is that the rights safeguarded in the Constitution aren’t for us to pick and choose. Her fight for the cause of freedom led to her being targeted by powerful figures within the government.
“But I am not a victim,” she says. “I am an American, and I will not stand by and watch while our freedoms are picked off. An attack on one right is an attack on every right.”
As Americans prepare to take to the polls and determine our nation’s next leader, it is more important than ever to remember that there can be no compromise over our rights.
This video is available, along with a complete transcript, here.