In the presidential debate Wednesday night, Hillary Clinton attempted to explain what she meant when she said “the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment,” referring to the Heller decision, which overturned the D.C. gun ban. Clinton claimed the D.C. ban on firearms, even for self-defense in the home, was “to protect toddlers from guns.”
Even the Associated Press gagged on that Clintonism. The truth is that Heller had nothing whatsoever to do with “toddlers.” It was about the individual right of Americans to own a gun for self-defense in their home. It was the first Supreme Court case to cement that right in stone. And no amount of lying can change that—even if a Clinton-packed Supreme Court could.
Nevertheless, less than 30 minutes after the debate concluded, Politifact had posted a 660-word dissertation defending Clinton’s misleading claims—complete with 10 hyperlinked citations!—that we honestly doubt Team Clinton itself could have concocted faster. Their ruling: “half true.” Our ruling, on both Clinton and her supposed Politifact watchdogs: “deliberately deceptive.”