NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action has taken taken to the Web to protect the gun rights of Nevadans, and prevent the state from going the way of California. NRA-ILA is launching an informational website, VoteNoQuestion1, which exposes the truth about how a so-called “universal” background check would make criminals out of Nevada gun owners.
“The law-abiding gun owners of Nevada need to know that Question 1 would cost them their money and their freedom,” said NRA spokesperson Catherine Mortensen. “It could even criminalize many of their commonplace activities.” Mortensen added, “This ballot initiative was bought and paid for by outside gun-control groups bent on the Californication of Nevada. Armed with the facts, we believe the freedom-loving people of Nevada will reject Question 1.”
As well as detailing the proposal's new costs and mandates that would be forced on Nevadans, the website offers information on how to get involved and help defeat the initiative.