New Jersey Teen Suspended, Visited By Child Services For Video Questioning Gun Control

posted on September 30, 2016

A high school senior was suspended and his home visited by social workers last week after he left a thumb drive in the school’s computer lab. The drive held a video he’d made arguing against so-called “gun-free” zones—a project he says he was assigned by his teacher, who gave him an “A” grade for the assignment, reports. 

Frank Harvey, 17, was suspended from Manville High School Tuesday for the “offense” of making the video. Police questioned the young man and cleared him of any wrongdoing. His teacher now says she doesn’t remember assigning him the project. 

Nonetheless, the school is now demanding that Harvey undergo a five-hour psychological evaluation before he can return to class. Harvey has decided to withdraw from the school instead. “My son is at home studying for his GED,” said Frank’s mother, Mary Vervan. “There's no reason for this. They're just harassing us ... I'm not going to roll over. My son and his welfare come first.”



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