While the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia this week continues to reveal a party divided, a new Special Report by NRA News’ Ginny Simone shows that in contrast, many supporters of Donald Trump have united behind the Republican candidate—in no small part due to his stance on Second Amendment issues.
In “Trump: Second Amendment Is On The Ballot,” Simone speaks to Second Amendment supporters around the country, finding they universally agree on whom to vote for this November. However, each has his or her own compelling reason, whether that be wanting women to be able to protect themselves, stemming the tide of radical Islamic terrorists, ending the lunacy of so-called “gun-free zones,” or preserving the future of the Supreme Court—all of which a Hillary Clinton presidency would endanger.
To see why it’s time for Americans who care about freedom to stand together behind Trump as we move toward the pivotal November elections, watch Ginny Simone’s newest special report by clicking here.