If you needed proof that no matter how much freedom gun-banners take away, they still want more, look no further than Australia and that country’s former Prime Minister John Howard.
As we all know, Australia is home to some very strict anti-gun regulations, having banned, confiscated and destroyed some 650,000 privately owned firearms back in 1996. Now Howard is calling for even more restrictive measures. “I’m wholly against any watering down of the existing laws, and I would encourage sensible strengthening of the existing laws,” Howard said in a recent interview.
Of course, we all know of at least one U.S. presidential candidate who looks at the Australian ban/confiscation plan as a model for American gun control. Recall that it was Hillary Clinton herself who, at a campaign event in New Hampshire last year, said of the Australian gun ban and forced confiscation of hundreds of thousands of firearms: “Certainly the Australian example is worth looking at.”