Nebraska: Gov. Pillen Signs Constitutional Carry

posted on April 25, 2023

Nebraska became the 27th state in the nation to pass constitutional carry today when Gov. Jim Pillen (R) signed the bill into law.

“Today, Nebraska joined 26 other states whose constituents and leaders recognize that law-abiding Americans should not have to ask for special government permission and pay additional fees in order to exercise their rights outside of the home,” said Randy Kozuch, executive director of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action. “The NRA has worked tirelessly to protect the rights of Americans to defend themselves for decades, and we’re thrilled that this protection has now come to Nebraskans.”

Constitutional carry protects Americans’ right to carry a firearm for self-defense by eliminating the requirement that law-abiding gun owners obtain a permit to carry. The law does not affect previously issued permits, and does not eliminate the permitting system. Those who wish to obtain a permit to carry in states that recognize Nebraska permits still can. In addition, this bill does not change who is permitted to obtain a firearm. Felons and other disqualified persons can still be punished under federal, state and local statutes for unlawful possession of a firearm.

L.B. 77 also strengthens preemption, giving the state legislature sole authority to regulate firearms. This prevents Nebraska counties and municipalities from having a patchwork of confusing and conflicting local laws throughout the state.

Travis Couture-Lovelady, NRA Nebraska state director, said, “This is a great bill that will make gun laws less restrictive and more streamlined for law-abiding Nebraskans. The NRA would like to thank Sen. Tom Brewer (R) for his leadership on this important piece of legislation, and applauds the legislature and the governor for passing and signing the bill.”



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