On Thursday, a parking attendant was walking a woman to her car near the FedEx Forum when he was suddenly struck on the back of the head. After the victim fell, the attacker began to fumble through his pockets. But that caught the eye of a Good Samaritan, who happened to have his concealed-carry permit—and his gun.
Memphis Police Department Colonel Gloria Bullock told FOX-13 the witness pulled his gun on the attacker and told him to stop. The suspect then yelled, “I don’t have a gun” and fled, speeding away in a tan Toyota. Investigators say nothing was stolen from the victim, nor was he seriously hurt.
Bullock noted that when large downtown events are staged, criminals come out in force. “They look for opportunity; they look when you’re not watching and jump up on you.” The officer also expects a quick arrest, since security cameras are located throughout the area.