Leave it to a bunch of constitutional experts—er, medical doctors who apparently think they are constitutional experts—to join President Barack Obama and other gun haters in calling the 5 million law-abiding members of the National Rifle Association derogatory names.
In an opinion piece in the most recent edition of The New England Journal of Medicine, five medical doctors attempted to diagnose NRA members without even an office visit: “Gun-control advocates blame the NRA, but perhaps the NRA is less like a foreign pathogen that has invaded our body politic, to which we could mount an immune response, than like a cancer, growing from our own mutated cells,” they wrote. They then promoted what they called “a deep cultural change”—insinuating that gun owners should simply choose to not be gun owners.
With doctors routinely castigating law-abiding gun owners for the acts of violent armed criminals, is it any wonder that Americans are growing weary of this plague of medical specialists verbally attacking our constitutional right to keep and bear arms?