You can’t make this (stupid) stuff up, folks: Two Associated Press reporters are now trying to link defensive skills training to the murder of those five Dallas police officers. Because an unhinged butcher was exposed to “shooting on the move,” (which, amusingly, they define incorrectly) at a “private self-defense school,” they’re suggesting that such training is a problem. Apparently, regular folks are only entitled to ineffective defenses because that’s the only kind murderous creeps can’t in turn abuse.
What is it they don’t understand about the meaning of the word “defensive?” That’s simple, really, but nonetheless lethal to any liberty, and not just the Second Amendment: They know the word just fine, but because they can’t win on facts or logic, they’ll resort to any perversion of language to turn everything firearm-related into the specter—or actual manifestation—of aggressive, immoral violence.
Such outrageous manipulation is one of their best weapons (remember that Orwell guy?), but no match for knowledge and a wisely cast vote.