Our Nation's children have all been heading back to school over the last several weeks. For that reason, my article this month will highlight our NRA programs designed to protect our children of all ages.
The School Shield® Program, established in 2012, is dedicated to providing a secure learning environment for some 55 million elementary and secondary school students in public, private, parochial and independent schools.
We know school security is a complex issue with no simple, single solution. That’s why NRA School Shield® is committed to addressing the many facets of school security, including best practices in security infrastructure, technology, personnel, training and policy. Through this multidimensional effort, we engage communities and empower leaders to help meet the expectation of creating a secure learning environment for America’s youth.
The Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program was developed with the help of a task force comprised of teachers, child and clinical psychologists, law-enforcement professionals and the NRA’s own gun-safety experts. The mission of the Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program is to teach children what to do if they ever come across a firearm.
This initiative educates children in pre-K through fourth grade to Stop!— Don’t Touch—Run Away— and Tell a Grown-Up. The program’s sole purpose is accident prevention by means of teaching children how to stay safe should they ever encounter a firearm.
Anyone may teach the Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program—which can readily be incorporated into existing school curriculum, taught at safety events and used to reach all ages. Since 1988, the program has reached more than 31 million children in all 50 states with the help of more than 28,000 schools, teachers and law-enforcement officers.
Developed in 1993, the NRA’s Refuse To Be A Victim® program was designed to lessen one’s chances of being confronted by a criminal and avoid becoming an easy target. Experts agree that one of the most important steps towards ensuring personal safety is the decision to refuse to be a victim.
Refuse To Be A Victim® seminars teach personal-safety tips and techniques needed to avoid dangerous situations. These seminars provide a comprehensive overview of practices relevant for home security and safety, mental preparedness and cyber-security awareness, as well as tips for safety and security while traveling.
New to the program is the Refuse To Be A Victim® Collegiate edition. This latest addition to the curriculum provides support to college students and high school seniors who are about to embark on their college experiences.
As the new school year begins, each of us has an opportunity to introduce these programs into our communities. Our kids are our responsibility. It’s not just our duty to protect them, it’s our right to protect them. No task is more important than keeping children safe from threats and creating a secure learning environment for America’s youth.
For information on how you can help—at no cost—to educate your communities about the NRA School Shield®, Eddie Eagle®, or Refuse To Be A Victim® programs, contact one of the following today and be part of the solution. Email: NRA School Shield® at [email protected], or Refuse To Be A Victim® at [email protected]. Website: Eddie Eagle Program® at eddieeagle.nra.org.