Maine gun owners are coming together and speaking out strongly against Question 3, the anti-gun so-called “universal” background checks ballot initiative being heavily funded by billionaire former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
In a Tuesday op-ed in the Bangor Daily News, retired game warden Mike Marshall wrote that the proposal would do nothing about crime, but only harm law-abiding gun owners. “The proposed universal background check law—Question 3 on the November ballot—is unnecessary and would be largely unenforceable as written,” Marshall wrote. “If this proposal became law, the only way the government could consistently convict a person in court of an illegal transfer of ownership without a background check would be if all firearms in the state were previously registered to their particular owners … So a universal firearm registration law in Maine would be next.”
He added: “We know there are powerful politicians who very much want us to travel down this slippery slope. Let’s not let it happen in Maine.”
To learn more about Question 3 and how you can help defeat the punitive initiative, click here.