Mail Call: Gun Control Crowd's Goal is Apparent

posted on May 23, 2018

By now—especially after the Parkland, Fla., school shooting—it should be evident to all of us that the Left has plans for a gun-free America. It seems that some businesses are caving in to this pressure by dropping their support for the NRA and its members, though they have been allies with us in the past. We all know that guns don’t kill by themselves any more than spoons create obesity. But people who haven’t decided on this very important issue of protecting the Second Amendment and the God-given right of self-protection are the most vulnerable to be swayed by these liberal tactics. That’s why each one of us needs to be an activist for freedom by standing up for the importance of the right to bear arms that the Second Amendment guarantees. We can use Facebook posts, letters to the editor in the local newspaper, bumper stickers, and personal conversations with friends and acquaintances to urge others to join the NRA and get involved. I encourage everyone reading this who is not so vocal to become that way, because though we far outnumber those who want to strip our rights from us, they are heard more, because they scream pretty loudly. Right now is a critical time in America. Once we lose our right to personal protection, it will be gone forever.

Duane A. Hart, via email


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