I just finished the America’s 1st Freedom July issue and was pleased to see two pieces on business overreach with respect to curtailing our Second Amendment freedom. The article about CitiBank and Bank of America, “What Do You Do When Your Bank Turns Against Your Rights?” (p. 38), doesn’t go far enough. Trying to get federal, state and local governments to rein in the banks is an uphill battle. I’m moving my money and financial services away from CitiBank to a bank that doesn’t try to limit our Second Amendment rights. The other article is about ammunition manufacturer Hornady not knowingly allowing its product to be sold to New York government agencies (First Things First, p. 18). I would like to see other manufacturers follow Hornady’s lead. Imagine the impact on the movie industry if the entire set of firearm manufacturers refused to allow their products to be shown or used in any film or video game featuring anyone affiliated with the anti-gun movement or who, in the past five years, has actively supported “common-sense” gun control. Now that would hit the Hollywood gun control cartel where it would do us some good.
Scott Lauder, via Email