The Los Angeles Times held nothing back in an article directed to President Barack Obama on Thursday. The news media outlet appears to be beyond disappointed with President Obama’s State of the Union address, stating, “Sorry, Mr. President, that won’t do. Not a mere passing reference to gun control in an hour-long State of the Union address, your last ever.”
The LA Times thinks that, “Just one complete sentence or two about guns, 10 seconds’ worth, could have inspired a few million citizens to press their state legislatures and city councils to get tougher … Almost anything additional about guns in the State of the Union, Mr. President, could have helped the cause you say you’re “passionate” about. It’s called leading.” We’ve never questioned the president’s passion for gun control, but in California, enough is never enough. “Oh, well,” the article continued. “California is moving ahead on guns with a November ballot initiative and legislation in the Capitol.” We’ll be there, too.